
Welcome! This is the page of the Gay me Crazy characters.

Oxer.- This human boy comes from planet Alivari. He is very special because alivarians are more spiritual than earthlings. Oxer is one the main characters.

Tina.- She is the twin sister of Oxer. Tina will have her own story although she is now part of the Gay me Crazy team. She is the first character created by Chuckov.

Fruttini.- Well, he is a mistery boy, also one of the most important people from Gay me Crazy. The first time you look at him you can think he is very gay but...


Friglut.- He is from Planet Alivari and Oxer and Tina "almost" brother.

Wilmaralia.- She is from Planet Xiromidi. Wilma is Oxer´s best friend during the journey.

Xiiocaris.- He is from Planet Alivari and was one of the first friends of Oxer in the Altonino University. He is also part of the three missionaries that came to Earth.

Mx.- He is an "erdur", a human like race but evolved from plants. He is from Planet Zomazó.

Zakira.- She is the twin sister of Wilmaralia. She is a pilot from Planet Xiromidi.

Sasix.- This young guy is from Planet Iravila. He is one of the three missionaries that came to Earth.

Razindel.- He is a toris that was born under the new spiritual renovation.

Izcarix.- She is a soldier from Planet Alivari.

Gusni.- He is a close friend of Xiiocaris. Did they have a "thing"? Maybe...

Karmilion.- This Alux lives in the woods of Planet Casiomante.


Galiano Droc.- Galiano is the biggest star at Gay me Crazy Networks. He is a nice guy, just a little pretentious.  His sister is Galicia.

Galicia.- She is one of the best Oxer´s friends. She is the baby sister of Galiano but she is more down to Earth than his brother.

Ghana Winters.- She is the hostess of the 2nite with Galiano show. She is a really lovely girl, good friend and very reticent. You can trust her your deepest secrets.

Gato Lópex.- Gato is not gay, just in case. He is very hot and the special reporter for movies at Gay me Crazy Networks. She is very close to Galicia but no very close to Galiano.

Frida Tang.- This little girl is half salvadorean, half corean. She is a producer at Gay me Crazy Networks.

Jayzee.- Jayzee is the DJ residente ay Gay me Crazy. He is super sweet and friendly.

Yaki d´Orleans.- Yaki is an AP (Associate Producer) at Gay me Crazy. She is Jayzee best friend and they both are confidents in their love matters.

Joel.- In a few words he is very bitchy. Joel works in the control room as director at Gay me Crazy Networks. I would like to say more about him but I do not want to tell spoilers.

Gino Winters.- Reporter, super handsome, Ghana´s cousin. The guy all girls wants to marriage, and many boys too.

Dong-Sun.- Reporter for GmC, he is quited but kind of flashy in his way of dressing.

Oxidalia / Oxer.- Oxidalia is the drag queen that Oxer performs in the Gay me Crazy shows.


The Lópex are a very interesting family. Eventually I will add the rest of the members.

Alix Lópex.- She is twin sister of Donovan. They are from Planet Earth but their mother is a mermaid.

Donovan Lópex.- The twin brother of Alix, they both are cousins of Gato.

Dude, I have to do all the charactes and there are so many. Come back to this page soon!

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