Monday, January 1, 2024



This website will have the comics for sale sometime soon, little by little. Feel free to visit us for previews and free stuff.

Tina Loló is an alivarian girl who visits our planet Earth looking for his twin brother Oxer.

This site is safe for young audiences but it is recomended for 13+ years old.

Wupi comics produce stories about love between couples, fraternal love and universal love.


Wupi comics and Gay me Crazy are created by Carlos Covarrubias a.k.a. Chuckov.

My goal is to present stories that promote human values and integrity; such as love, friendship, love to animals and respect for the nature and the planet Earth.

The content I create is friendly for teenager 14 years old and above. However, only parents decide what their kids are allowed to see and consume.

These comics do not show graphic sex or frontal nudity. They may show some partial nudity and can suggest sex situations as long as affective relationships between same sex people.

I really appreciate your respect for this site and my work. Also, I respect your right to chose what you think is good for you and your children.

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